Displaying large figures without comma separation is quite daunting to the users. For an example just think how hard to discern the value of 9501625237.56 ? Instead of displaying such number as it is we can format the said value using commas which would be more readable , like this 9,501,625,237.56 If displayed likewise An user wouldn't have to waste time deciphering such lengthy values. Here is the code I wrote to accomplish this output using Java to utilize into much larger programs. The method can be overridden or overloaded as you would deem necessary.
Input : Takes the value to be formatted as a String object.
Returns: Formatted value as a String object.
private String addCommas(String strn){
String commaSeparatedNumber="", decimals="";
//split contents before the decimal point
commaSeparatedNumber = strn.contains(".") ? strn.split("\\.")[0] : strn;
decimals = strn.contains(".") ? "."+strn.split("\\.")[1] : "";
/*create a regular expression for the thousand separator, store those matches separately for the replacement.*/
String regx="(\\d+)(\\d{3})";
//create pattern and matcher objects to find matches
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regx);
Matcher m = p.matcher(commaSeparatedNumber);
//iterate to find the next match.
//replace the found matching groups with the comma.
commaSeparatedNumber = commaSeparatedNumber.replaceFirst(regx, m.group(1) +","+ m.group(2));
//update the matcher with new replacements.
m = p.matcher(commaSeparatedNumber);
return commaSeparatedNumber+decimals;