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Share trading Calculators for CSE equity trading

Profit/Loss calculator simply calculates the profit/loss for a given trade of shares/units in CSE.(Colombo stock exchange). There are 5 trade types you can choose to calculate profit/loss for a trade. 

  •  Normal Trade : With this option you can calculate profit/loss for a share you already don't have in your  portfolio. 
  •  Day-Trade : Similar to normal trade but if you buy & sell within a trading day payable brokerage amount is lower than that of a normal trade
  •  Average : Calculate profit/loss for a trade of Shares you already have in your portfolio as an averaged price.  since brokerage amount is already added to such prices Profit/Loss calculator won't calculate buy brokerage for such trades.
  •  Primary : Calculates profit/loss for a share you bought directly form the company. therefore no buying brokerage applies.
  •  Units: Calculates gains/losses from unit trust investments where no brokerages apply. Most Importantly the annualized gain can be calculated using this

 Additional Features: 
  • Break-even price: Break even price is the price you have to sell in order to achieve 0 profit. Essentially this price is a round up value hence actual selling price must be the next multiple of 0.10 to avoid loss. For an example if break-even price is 2.43 you may sell it to 2.50 to avoid loss.
  • Interest Calculation (Added  in version:120602)  : Interest amount is calculated and added to the net purchase cost given the annual interest rate and T Days (Number of days since the purchase date).
  • Annualized Gain (AG): Annualized gain can be calculated given the bought and sold dates. Equation used to calculate AG is the standard formula specified as CFA tutorials.
This has been tested on Mozilla Firefox 13 and Google Chrome 19.
Internet Explorer is not recommended.

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