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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

maxMirror: Solutions for Javabat:14


Say that a "mirror" section in an array is a group of contiguous elements such that somewhere in the array, the same group appears in reverse order. For example, the largest mirror section in {1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 3, 2, 1} is length 3 (the {1, 2, 3} part). Return the size of the largest mirror section found in the given array.

maxMirror({1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 3, 2, 1}) → 3
maxMirror({1, 2, 1, 4}) → 3
maxMirror({7, 1, 2, 9, 7, 2, 1}) → 2


My Solution:

public int maxMirror(int[] nums) {
 int maxMirror=0 , mirrorCount=0;
            int len=nums.length;
            if(len<2) return len;
            for(int i=0 , j=len , k=0 , l=0 ; i<len-1 ; i++){
                // look for the currentvalue in the array
                while(--j>i && nums[j]!=nums[i]);
                if(j==i){ // no mirror starts from this val! check the next val
                    j=len-1; // next search must start from the end
                else{ // found a mirror
                    k=i; // store boundaries of the mirror
                    while( (++k <= l && --j >= i) && (nums[k] == nums[j])  )
                    if(mirrorCount > maxMirror)
                    k=0 ; j=len; mirrorCount=0;
            }// end for
            return maxMirror;
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