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Saturday, April 10, 2010

countTriple: Solutions for Javabat : 06

Here we go with another String question.


We'll say that a "triple" in a string is a char appearing three times in a row. Return the number of triples in the given string. The triples may overlap.

countTriple("abcXXXabc") → 1
countTriple("xxxabyyyycd") → 3
countTriple("a") → 0

My Solution: For we have to iterate through the characters of the given string we definitely  should use a loop and check whether the adjacent two chars is the same as the current char. for overlaps should be considered we must not alter the iteration.

  1: public int countTriple(String str) {
  3:   if(str.length()<3) return 0;
  5:   int triples=0;
  7:   for(int i=0 ; i<str.length()-2;i++){
  8:      if(str.charAt(i)== str.charAt(i+1) && str.charAt(i)== str.charAt(i+2) )
  9:         triples++;
 10:   }
 12:   return triples;
 14: }
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