Think of a Character and I'll guess it
This is really fun and it’s really smart. You HAVE to try it at least once, you’ll be amazed

When I say think of any character, ANY character. It can be real or fictional. It can be an anime character or even comic book characters. Actors, actresses, models, even your personal life characters (not names of course, but something like your sister, your husband, your boss, and others).
From every question, you simply have to answer “Yes”, “Probably/Partially”, “I don’t know”, “Probably not/Not really”, or “No”.
The more accurate your answer is, the quicker Akinator can guess who the character is that you have in mind.
The questions asked are generic at first but will become more specific after a few questions such as this:

Normally, it takes 5-20 questions for Akinator to be able to guess your character. So far he’s been able to answer almost all characters that I tested it on. He couldn’t guess one of them because I fed him wrong information a few times my fault. Some characters that I tested him on:

What are you waiting for?