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Friday, June 25, 2010

Sudoku Puzzle Solver : minor update

Sudoku puzzle solver is now equipped with few  additions in UI and code to make it easier for users to solve/make puzzles. in new UI there is an option to check in menu bar Settings –> Indicate constraints . when checked and user hovers mouse over a cell program highlights the row , column and box related to the cell. further more tooltip pops up and shows possible values which can be entered according to sudoku game rules for the particular cell. 

6-24-2010 9-09-57 PM

6-24-2010 9-04-47 AM

EDIT: 26/06/10

UI Update:


If you have Java Run time installed on your system , download and extract the Archive and run Sudoku.jar by double clicking on it or using command line .
java –jar Sudoku.jar.

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